The Most Dangerous Dinosaurs Of All Time Were The Deadliest Dinosaurs
The Most Terrifying Dinosaurs are scary ones that gives your imagination reasons to feel afraid. Whether it’s a T Rex or a giant sauropod, or even an armored Ankylosaurus, they give you the chills. Many people find dinosaurs scary because they were big and powerful creatures that lived a long time ago. Imagine being in a forest and seeing a group of meat-eating dinosaurs coming after you, or being attacked by a dinosaur with a strong tail! Some dinosaurs were even scarier than others because they had special features that made them even more frightening.

The Most Terrifying Dinosaurs – Which Ones Are They?
So, what are the most terrifying dinosaurs? The scariest dinosaurs are the ones with big jaws and sharp teeth. They also have strong armor and weapons, and they are very big. They can move really fast and are very mean when they hunt. All dinosaurs are a little bit scary, but some are scarier because they have bigger teeth and are bigger themselves.
Key Takeaways
- The scariest dinosaurs possessed large jaws, sharp teeth, strong armor, and intimidating size, able to swiftly cause fear.
- Both carnivorous and herbivorous dinosaurs posed dangers; sizeable herbivores, like sauropods, protected themselves effectively against predators.
- The Ankylosaurus, standing six feet high and 21 feet long, utilized collagen-reinforced scale-armor and a formidable club-like tail.
- The Stegosaurus, with distinctive back plates and tail spikes, was a large, unchewable herbivore from the late Jurassic period.
- The heavily armored and muscular Pentaceratops, possessing three gigantic head horns and spiked tail, was a fearsome herbivore.
- The Spinosaurus, a large carnivore able to hunt on land and water, is considered the most terrifying dinosaur.
As an overview of terrifying creatures from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, the Allosaurus known for its predatory demeanor, and the Spinosaurus, distinct with a spine, made their name in the prehistoric era. Meanwhile, the Carnotaurus, distinct by its horns and swift aggression, terrorized its prey.
Paleontological research based on Fossil evidence cast a spotlight on Ankylosaurus’s protective armour and distinctly massive tail, and the fearsome Giganotosaurus with its lethal jaws. Among the marine predators, the Mosasaurus posed a daunting terror of the prehistoric sea life.
Small but formidable, the Nanotyrannus, feared for its predatory instinct was discovered from the same lineage as Tyrannosaurus Rex. The Utahraptor, known for its means to overpower larger prey, the Therizinosaurus with its scythe-like claws, and the majestic Triceratops, uniquely carved with three horns and a large frill, were embodiments of terror.
Liopleurodon, a non-dinosaur yet terrifying marine reptile, ruled the seas, while the intelligent Troodon was a formidable predator in the Cretaceous period. With a secret weapon, the sickle-shaped claw, Deinonychus incited fear among its prey.
The Carcharodontosaurus was equipped with sharp, serrated teeth, while the colossal Gigantosaurus was an embodiment of sheer horror. The historical significance of Megalosaurus and the cannibalistic nature of Majungasaurus from Madagascar echoes its terrifying existence. New evidence on Mapusaurus implies pack-hunting characteristics that enhanced its fright factor.
Table of Contents
Amid these prehistoric beasts, the Velociraptor, renowned by pop culture from the ‘Jurassic Park’ series and known for its intelligence and hunting skills, conspicuously stands as one of the most terrifying dinosaurs.
Now let’s put a frame around what is terrifying, or what creates fear when thinking about dinosaurs in an ancient forest, let’s first consider a few ideas on the topic.
According to Wikipedia, “fear is an emotion induced by perceived danger or threat”.
What makes you terrified, when considering an animal or a creature like a dinosaur? It has a lot to do with outside appearances or the feeling of being scared or frightened.
Carnivorous dinosaurs, which ate meat, and herbivorous dinosaurs, which ate plants, were both very dangerous in their own ways. Huge plant-eating dinosaurs, called sauropods, could use their big size to protect themselves from meat-eating dinosaurs like the T-rex. Being big was helpful for staying safe, but not for hunting. When it came to catching food, teamwork was the best way for dinosaurs to hunt.
Even some of the smallest dinosaurs could be really dangerous to other animals. So, both big and small dinosaurs had their own ways of being dangerous and staying safe.
The dinosaurs were an intimidating species, and the following are 13 of the most terrifying dinosaurs that ever lived and the ones that could cause the most amount of fear! So, let’s start.
What’s the Scariest Dinosaur with Armor?
Imagine This Scenario – You are walking in the forest, and you come across some eggs. You go to investigate the eggs, and suddenly you hear something large with four legs coming fast towards you! It’s an armored dinosaur, and it thinks you are going to hurt its eggs. Luckily, it decides you are not a thread and goes away.
The armored dinosaurs were scary in their own right, even though they are plant-eating herbivore dinosaurs and probably gentle. However, if attacked, frightened, or if they felt their eggs or baby dinosaurs were being threatened, they had specific armor and weapons to protect themselves and their babies.
Let’s check out these armored dinosaurs and see how terrifying they can be.

13. Ankylosaurus
Ankylosaurus herded in North America. It stood six feet high and 21 feet long. It weighed six tons despite its compact structure, and its bony formation made it as dangerous as a tank. It was heavily coated by collagen-reinforced scale-armor and had a massive club at the end of its tail.
This dinosaur was very strong and had a hard shell that was tough to bite through. It had big horns on its head that made it hard for other dinosaurs to attack its neck. It was similar to another dinosaur called Stegosaurus and they both used their tails to protect themselves. This dinosaur had a really heavy tail that it used like a club to hit predators like T-rex, Giganotosaurus, and Mapusaurus. It was for protection.
What Made the Ankylosaurus so Frightening? – Its 100-pound club at the end of its tail. The whipping action, combined with the force of the club weight, could give you a big whack.

12. Stegosaurus
Stegosaurus was a big dinosaur with cool armor plates standing up along its back. It was strong and had a long tail with four spikes at the end. These spikes helped it stay safe from other dinosaurs trying to attack it.
The Stegosaurus was a large herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the late Jurassic period, around 155 to 150 million years ago. It was one of the most famous and easily recognizable dinosaurs, with its distinctive double row of kite-shaped plates arranged along its back, and the dangerous long spikes on its tail.
This dinosaur could grow up to 30 feet in length, 14 feet in height, and weighed around 5 to 7 tons. The Stegosaurus had a small head, a long neck, and a bulky body that was supported by four sturdy legs. Its front legs were shorter than its hind legs, giving its body a slightly sloped appearance.
The most striking feature of the Stegosaurus was its armor plates. These plates, which could be up to 2 feet tall and 2 feet wide, were made of bony material called osteoderms and were covered with a layer of keratin, the same substance that makes up human hair and nails. The plates were not attached directly to the dinosaur’s skeleton but were embedded in its skin.
Scientists believe that these plates served multiple purposes. One of the main functions was thermoregulation, helping the Stegosaurus to control its body temperature. The plates contained a network of blood vessels, and by changing the blood flow to the plates, the dinosaur could dissipate heat or conserve it, depending on the environmental conditions. The plates may have also been used for display purposes, to attract mates or intimidate rivals.
The Stegosaurus’s tail was another important defense mechanism. The tail had four long, sharp spikes, often called a “thagomizer,” which the dinosaur could use to fend off predators or engage in battles with other members of its species. A powerful swing of its tail could possibly knock down an attacking dinosaur. The combination of armor plates and tail spikes made the Stegosaurus a formidable opponent.
Despite its fierce appearance, the Stegosaurus was a plant-eater, using its peg-like teeth to strip leaves from low-growing plants and ferns. Its small head and weak jaw muscles suggest that it was not capable of chewing, so it likely swallowed the leaves whole and relied on its large, slow-acting stomach to break down the plant material.
The Stegosaurus roamed the Earth during a time when the continents were still joined together as a single landmass called Pangaea. It shared its habitat with other large dinosaurs, such as the long-necked Apatosaurus and the fearsome predator Allosaurus. The Stegosaurus’s unique adaptations – its armor plates and spiked tail – helped it survive and thrive in this competitive environment. Today, the Stegosaurus remains one of the most iconic and fascinating dinosaurs, a testament to the incredible diversity and complexity of life during the age of dinosaurs.
What Made the Stegosaurus Scary? – The four spikes at the end of its tail, which could swing either way and knock you over. Although the vertical plates along its back were used for defense, it would also make the dinosaur look taller than it was.

11. Pentaceratops
This herbivorous dinosaur weighed about six tons, was 26.1 feet long and 13 feet tall. It carried a massive weight for its bones in comparison to carnivores with the same length and height. Its body was massively muscular and armored, and it had three gigantic horns on the head to charge, pierce, and knockdown predators it would charge if they got too close.
The Pentacerateps had an extra advantage because its tail was equipped with spikes (found in some fossils). Its spiked tail made it a bit more scary than the armored Ankylosaurus. There are indications it herded in packs to increase protection of attacks by predators.
Due to its massive size and having armor and weapons from head to tail, the Pentaceratops is the most terrifying armored dinosaur in my view.
The Pentaceratops was a really cool dinosaur! It had three horns on its face and a frill shield on the back of its head. It also had a big tail that sometimes had spikes on it. If the Pentaceratops needed to protect itself, it could use its horns, but don’t worry, it lived a long time ago and we don’t have to be scared of it today.
If you are interested to learn more about armored dinosaurs, check out the article that I wrote about this topic – How Did Dinosaurs Protect Themselves? (Armor, Weapons)
Table 1 - Terrifying Armored Dinosaurs
Dinosaur | Terrifying Features | Level of Scaryness Scale 1-10 | Category Group |
![]() Ankylosaurus | Body armor and 100 lbs club tail | 5 | Armored |
![]() Stegosaurus | Vertical plate armor along back and spiked tail | 6 | Armored |
![]() Pentaceratops | 3 Horns on head, spikes on frill and spiked tail | 7 | Armored |
Dinosaur | Terrifying Features | Level of Scaryness Scale 1-10 | Category Group |
Could a Sauropod be Terrifying? The Most Terrifying Sauropod
Imagine This Scenario – You are in a marshy swamp, and you hear multiple Sauropods walking thunderously towards you. As they draw closer, you realize they are walking faster, so you try to run to the side of the herd. A booming sound, like a bullwhip cracking, fills the air. It’s the dinosaur’s tail making that sound! Good thing the dinosaurs are far away from you.

10. Diplodocus
The Diplodocus was one of the longest dinosaurs, with arguably the longest neck and tail of any of the Sauropod dinosaurs. The longest fossil found measured 108 feet (33 meters) long. Diplodocus was a herbivore, which means it didn’t hunt for prey but instead ate plants. Scientists have suggested (Source) that because of the length of the tail, it was able to generate a whipping motion capable of making a loud cracking-boom sound. It was certainly a creepy dinosaur.
What Made the Diplodocus so Creepy? – The loud sound of the dinsaur’s whiptail.
Table 2 - Terrifying Sauropod Dinosaur
Dinosaur | Terrifying Features | Level of Scaryness Scale 1-10 | Category Group |
![]() Diplodocus | Giant size and long whipping tail | 6 | Sauropod |
Dinosaur | Terrifying Features | Level of Scaryness Scale 1-10 | Category Group |
What are the Scariest Marine Reptiles Related to Dinosaurs?
Imagine This Scenario – You are in your sailboat on a prehistoric sea. The weather is hot, and the water is cool. You decide to take a swim. In the distance you see a large school of fish moving fast towards you. No panic. Except, now you see a giant marine reptile was the cause of why the school of fish was moving so fast. Now that marine reptile is coming your way too. Good thing it doesn’t come any closer.

9. Mosasaurus
Mosasaurus lived during the late-Cretaceous period, and its fossils have been found on every continent, including Antarctica. It swam the oceans and was a prime predator with strong jaws. It was also a powerful swimmer and grew to about 4 meters, but the most significant fossils found were up to 13 feet. The Mosasaurs had jaws and teeth that were similar in shape and form to snakes, which meant that it could swallow prey whole without the need to bite it into chunks.
What Made the Mosasaurus so Terrifying? – Giant jaws with rows of teeth that swallow fish whole. Combine that with the Mosasaur being an agile swimmer too.

8. Plesiosaurus
The Plesiosaurus was a predator of the seas and oceans, which was also a powerful swimmer with four large paddle-like flippers. What made this marine reptile different from a Mosasaurus is that the Plesiosaurus had a long neck ending in a small head with a “U-shaped” jaw that had rows of razor-sharp teeth. Its neck could be used to snatch fish, trying to get away from different angles. Plesiosaurus fossils have been found in England and other places in Western Europe, although a complete skeleton was found in England. It grew to a length of 4 meters to 15 meters.
The Plesiosaurus was a fascinating creature because it was an excellent swimmer. Even if you were in a boat, its long neck might be able to reach inside and surprise you!
Table 3 - Terrifying Marine Reptiles
Dinosaur | Terrifying Features | Level of Scaryness Scale 1-10 | Category Group |
![]() Mosasaurus | Agile swimmer with large mouth full of teeth | 5 | Marine Reptile |
![]() Plesiosaurus | Long neck that could reach you in a boat, head full of teeth | 5 | Marine Reptile |
Dinosaur | Terrifying Features | Level of Scaryness Scale 1-10 | Category Group |
What are the Most Terrifying Dinosaurs That Were Predators?
Picture this – you’re playing a fun game of tag in the forest, and you pretend there’s a dinosaur chasing you. You find a big fallen tree trunk to hide behind, thinking the pretend dinosaur can’t find you there. But the dinosaur is using its great sense of smell to find you, and soon, you’ll be pretending to come face to face with it!
Some dinosaurs were predators, which means they hunted other animals for food. They had special features to help them hunt, such as sharp teeth, claws, or larger brains. These dinosaurs were very skilled at catching their prey, but don’t worry – they lived a very long time ago and aren’t around today! Let’s explore more about these fascinating creatures.

7. Utahraptor
The Utahraptor is the biggest and oldest among the raptors, and it weighed about a ton. It was almost five times the size of a Velociraptor, which is more well-known due to its portrayal in the Jurassic Park and Jurassic World movies. But the Utahraptor was much slower than its descendants and had a strong hind-leg and sickle-shaped toe claws..
These predators were much smaller than other dinosaurs of their ecosystems, but they hunted much bigger predators than themselves and they can be considered one of the most terrifying dinosaurs. They benefited from speed, ferocity, and numbers. They were mostly feathered. Comparably, they were like gigantic, quick, carnivorous ostriches. Certainly, these were some of the scariest dinosaurs.
What Made the Utahraptor (and Raptors in General) so Terrifying? – They hunted In groups, were quick and agile, and had big claws.
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6. Giganotosaurus
This giant dinosaur was the largest carnivore that lived in what is now current-day Argentina. Giganotosaurus lived during the Cretaceous period, and it weighed nine tons on average. Paleontologists have not been able to find a full fossil specimen to confirm its weight and height. Still, as it lived in South America, it is estimated that it may have hunted Argentinosaurus, which was probably the largest terrestrial Sauropod at the time.
It’s estimated that this carnivore was bigger and more towering than the T-rex. It was also more slender and could beat T-rexes in speed by at least 10 miles per hour. It was a well-adapted predator. The Gigantosaurus also fell short of the T-Rex in that it had half the brain capacity of the T-Rex.
What Made the Gigantosaurus so Terrifying? – The size of the dinosaur, with its teeth and speed, made it a vicious predator.

5. Mapusaurus
This monstrosity was similar in size to Giganotosaurus. Its fossils have been found in South America, in what is now Chile and Argentina. As such, it’s assumed that it hunted the Argentinosaurus. The 33-foot-long lizard weighed 3 tons, on average, and hunted in packs. Systemic hunting qualifies it on this list even though the individual Mapusaurus was not as intelligent compared to other predators. They could team up successfully to take down 100-foot long sauropods.
What Made the Mapusaurus so Terrifying? – This dinosaur hunted in packs or groups. All those terrifying jaws, teeth, and claws are coming at you from multiple directions. Luckily, it lived a long, long time ago.

4. Allosaurus
This dinosaur was the king of the food chain in the American Jurassic niches. It was 30 feet long and stood 12 feet high. This American dinosaur had over 60, D-shaped, sharp teeth. Despite its massive build, this species was light and fast: weighing an average of 850 pounds.
The Allosaurus lived during the late-Jurassic period and had become extinct by the time the bigger T-Rex and similar-sized predators existed. It’s often matched up for hunting for Stegosaurs and what a match that would be.
What Made the Allosaurus so Terrifying? – Its teeth, size, and aggressive predator instincts combined with hunting in groups. Dominant predator during the late-Jurassic period.

3. Troodon
The Troodon, a dinosaur that Paleontologists have found in Montana, is considered to be one of the smartest dinosaurs. It is because of the size of its brain. In comparison to other dinosaurs, Troodon’s brain was bigger, and scientists think that it had similar intelligence to modern-day birds. The dinosaur was a carnivore, although some scientists believe it could have also been an omnivore, which eats both meat (and insects) as well as plants. Troodons were fairly small, about 4 meters in length, but they also hunted in packs.
What Made the Troodon so Terrifying? – This dinosaur hunted in groups and was intelligent even if they weren’t so big.

2. Tyrannosaurus Rex
The King of Dinosaurs was the ultimate mean dinosaur, and it was robustly built. Weighing about seven tons on average, the T-rex could out-compete the Giganotosaurus within the same niche because of its wits. The predator stood over 16 feet tall and, according to some scientific studies, could run fast – a minimum of 18 km per hour up to 40km! If you are wondering why they are recognized as the king of dinosaurs, well, think about just how well-rounded they were. They were intelligent predators, almost as smart as raptors, and had extraordinary smelling abilities.
What made the Tyrannosaurus Rex so interesting? – The T-Rex had really big teeth and a strong jaw, which made it a great hunter. It was also smart, had a great sense of smell, and could run fast. All these features made the T-Rex a fascinating dinosaur!
What Is The Scariest Dinosaur, The Most Terrifying Dinosaur Ever?
1. Spinosaurus
Picture this – You’re playing in the forest and you think you hear a dinosaur behind you. You decide to hide behind a big fallen tree, hoping the dinosaur won’t find you. You hear it sniffing around, but then you notice a big river nearby. You think it would be fun to run and jump into the water to get away from the dinosaur.

With any of the other land predators, even the great T-Rex, by running into the river or the sea, you are safe from the dinosaur. But not with Spinosaurus, and that is the reason why my vote is given to this dinosaur as being the most terrifying dinosaur.
Chills run down my spine, I have to admit, when I think about this dinosaur chasing me. It sure is scary! This carnivorous dinosaur was 44 feet long and weighed about 20 metric tons. As the largest land carnivore, according to current science, this dinosaur grew huge bones on its back that measured about 4-5 feet. I mentioned its ability to swim. Scientists think the huge bones on its back served as a kind of upper dorsal fin, which could help it maneuver even better in the water.
The Spinosaurus was a unique dinosaur because it could hunt both on land and in water. It was the biggest meat-eating dinosaur, which made it very interesting. Its head looked like a crocodile’s, and it had very strong teeth. It was quick and good at moving on land and even better in the water – double the risk! So, it was a very scary dinosaur that was good at catching its food. I think these points qualify it to answer the question, what was the scariest dinosaur and what was the scariest dinosaur ever!
Table 4 - Terrifying Dinosaur Predators
Dinosaur | Terrifying Features | Level of Scaryness Scale 1-10 | Category Group |
![]() Utahraptor | Quick & aggressive, slashing claws, hunted in groups | 7 | Predator |
![]() Giganotosaurus | Giant dinosaur, huge teeth and speed on the ground | 7 | Predator |
![]() Mapusaurus | Terrifying jaws and teeth, hunted in groups | 7 | Predator |
![]() Allosaurus | Teeth, agile hunter, hunted in groups, dominant hunter in late-Jurassic | 8 | Predator |
![]() Troodon | An intelligent dinosaur, hunts in groups | 8 | Predator |
![]() Tyrannosaurus Rex | Teeth, jaw strength, agile, exceptional sense of smell and large size | 9 | Predator |
![]() Spinosaurus | Largest land carnivore, crocodile like head full of teeth, agile and can hunt equally well on land or in water | 10 | Predator |
Dinosaur | Terrifying Features | Level of Scaryness Scale 1-10 | Category Group |
Final Thoughts
It’s fair to say that any of the 13 dinosaurs listed were terrifying in specific circumstances and enough to scare your socks off. Although we will never know what these creatures were really like, we can draw some parallels from modern-day animals like reptiles, lizards, and even mammals. That’s scary enough. Thank goodness I live in the city!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are the Scariest Dinosaurs of All Time?
The scariest dinosaurs of all time include the Spinosaurus, Tyrannosaurus rex, Allosaurus, and Velociraptor.
Which Dinosaur Is Considered the Most Terrifying?
The spinosaurus is considered one of the most terrifying dinosaurs to ever walk the earth.
What Is a Theropod Dinosaur?
A theropod dinosaur is a type of dinosaur that belonged to the theropod group, which includes carnivorous dinosaurs with two-legged walking abilities.
Which Period Did These Scary Dinosaurs Live In?
These scary dinosaurs lived primarily during the late Cretaceous period, which was approximately 68 million years ago.
What Is the Bite Force of These Dangerous Dinosaurs?
The bite force of these dangerous dinosaurs is estimated to be very high, making them powerful predators.
What Makes a Dinosaur Scary?
A dinosaur can be considered scary based on factors such as its size, power, hunting abilities, and potential threat to other creatures.
Which Dinosaur on This List Was One of The Deadliest?
The tyrannosaurus rex is known as one of the deadliest and most powerful dinosaurs to ever walk the earth.
How Big Were These Scary Dinosaurs?
These scary dinosaurs varied in size, with some reaching lengths of up to 40 feet or more.
Did Any of These Dinosaurs Live in Groups or Packs?
Yes, some dinosaurs like the velociraptor are believed to have lived and hunted in groups or packs, making them even more dangerous predators.
What Makes a Dinosaur Dangerous?
A dinosaur can be considered dangerous based on its size, strength, speed, predatory behaviors, weapons like sharp teeth and claws, and its position in the food chain as an apex predator.
What Is an Apex Predator?
An apex predator is a species that stands at the top of the food chain and has no natural predators. In the case of dinosaurs, apex predators like the Tyrannosaurus Rex and Spinosaurus were at the top of the Jurassic food chain.
Which Dinosaur Had the Strongest Bite Force?
The dinosaur with the strongest bite force is believed to be the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Its massive jaw and serrated teeth allowed it to generate immense bite strength, estimated to be more than 7,000 pounds per square inch.
Can a Dinosaur Kill a Human?
Since dinosaurs became extinct millions of years before humans appeared, it is not possible for a dinosaur to kill a human. However, if dinosaurs were still alive, some larger and more aggressive species could pose a significant threat.
What Is the Danger Level of A Triceratops?
Triceratops, while a large and formidable dinosaur, was primarily a herbivore and not considered dangerous. Its impressive horns and frill were primarily used for defense against predators.
Is the Dilophosaurus a Scary Dinosaur?
The Dilophosaurus, known for its unique crest and spit attack in popular culture, was not actually as scary as portrayed. It was a medium-sized carnivorous dinosaur, but its size and hunting behavior would not make it one of the scariest dinosaurs.
Which Dinosaur Is the Deadliest of All Time?
It is difficult to determine the single deadliest dinosaur of all time, as there were many large theropod dinosaurs that were highly efficient predators. The Tyrannosaurus Rex is often regarded as one of the most dangerous and impactful species due to its massive size and power, but the Spinosaurus is also formidable.