![Best Dinosaur Remote Control Toy [2021]- Comparison (with Tables!) 1 Best-Remote-Control-Dinosaur-Toys-AdventureDinosaurs](https://adventuredinosaurs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Best-Remote-Control-Dinosaur-Toys-AdventureDinosaurs.jpg)
Having fun with the dinosaur toys has come along way since the first ones came to the market decades ago. One way for children to have fun if you get a cool robot dinosaur. Children love them, and dinosaurs seem to build imagination to imagine the dinosaur with lots of fights and sounds. Imagine creating a Jurassic World in your living room where a T Rex stomps around by remote control. It can only be interactive fun with a robot dinosaur. You have plenty of mobility, sounds, featured accessories, and remote control options. With all the choices out there, what is the best dinosaur remote control to get for 2021?
The best dinosaur remote control toys or 2021 are the following:
● Yarmoshi Interactive Dinosaur Robot w/ Remote Control (best high-end)
● Magicfun 2 Pack Dinosaur Cars (best low-end)
● Intellisaur Remote Control Dinosaur Toy Robot for Kids (best value for money)
● TEMI 8 Channels 2.4G Remote Control Dinosaur (best runner-up)
The choices for these dinosaur remote control toys were based on the best balance and feature options such as:
-Level of mobility and speed
-Type of Dinosaur
Let’s first back up and take a look at what makes a good remote control dinosaur toy, and then I’ll explain about my best picks at different price levels, the high-end, low-end, and best mid-priced one which gives value for the money, with some tables to help guide you too!
Table of Contents
What Makes a Good Remote Control Dinosaur Toy?
Dinosaur robots in 2021, interestingly, have an increased amount of electronics, which enables remote controls of the dinosaur toy to do different movements, gestures and can even be programmable.
There are cool robotic dinosaur toys available on the market today. They are full of action, and these remote control toys can move slow or fast. Additionally, they have gestures that, for instance, simulate a dinosaur roar, show their teeth, and it’s all combined with the sights and sounds that are real dinosaur would make.
Let’s take a deeper look at what cool features makes a good remote control dinosaur toy.
Mobility of the Dinosaur Toy – The Remote Control
The dinosaur toy’s mobility depends on what kind of remote control pad will be used for the dinosaur’s movement and gesturing. Mobility such as leg movements can be engineered in the dinosaur toy for it to take one step at a time, or alternatively, it can have wheels, which means it cannot only go faster, but you might need a slightly bigger area in which to play with it. The dinosaur toy’s walking action controlled by the controller may have possibilities of also turning left or right.
If the dinosaur toy is mobile, almost always, it will come with remote control designed to control the direction of movement. Remote control robot dinosaur toys have a simple four direction controller, or it can incorporate extra buttons for gestures and even programming the dinosaur toy. The models have shooting capability that can be controlled with the remote control pad.
Of course, the level of mobility includes the speed at which it can move forward and backward. It naturally can move much faster for those dinosaur toys with wheels, but it may not be as lifelike for the child.
Sounds, Gestures, and Lights
One would expect the best dinosaur remote-controlled toy to simulate what a dinosaur would sound like and have the gestures linked to it. Remote-controlled dinosaur toys in 2021 have sounds and gestures, and lights that flash or blink as the dinosaur is roaring. For creating the sounds, a built-in speaker is likely to be integrated, and depending on the size and specifications, it will enhance the quality of the dinosaur sounds.
Gestures can be in the form of head movements, our movements, tail movements, or opening of the jaws. For instance, when the dinosaur is roaring, the mouth can open up, or the head can move into a certain position. Lights can be integrated to enhance the features of the dinosaur. The lights turn on and light up the dinosaur’s eyes, or when the dinosaur moves, some lights flash.
Suppose you hope that a dinosaur is a learning tool for your child; how the dinosaur gestures and moves can show your child how the dinosaur might have moved millions of years ago. These sounds, gestures, and lights all enhance the experience of the robot dinosaur toy.
Type of Dinosaur – The Overall Look and Size of the Best Dinosaur Remote Control
There are different types of remote control dinosaur toys available on the market. Some are two-legged dinosaurs like T Rex. They can be between 5 to 16 inches tall. Others are four-legged dinosaurs like Triceratops with the three horns, and some are more reptile-like looking dinosaurs.
Depending on the dinosaur type, it will indicate the shape of the toy. Those standing on two legs and are predators will look scarier, while four-legged and plant-eating dinosaurs are not as scary and more friendly-looking.
The bigger-sized dinosaurs that are 16 inches tall or taller will likely need more batteries than the smaller sized dinosaurs. It may be a good thing to get rechargeable batteries. It would be best if you also got batteries for the remote control.
Types of dinosaurs that include a remote control are:
● Two-legged T Rex
● Two-legged Velociraptor
● Four-legged Triceratops
● Four-legged Brontosaurus
● Wheeled Triceratops
Deciding Your Key Features
Deciding on the key features of your dinosaur remote control toy you would like to have can help you evaluate and make your final choice with the available options. I have broken this up into five groups.
● Type of dinosaur -may impact mobility and if your child has a preference for the type of dinosaur.
● Preferred mobility – if you don’t have a lot of room in your apartment, you may want to consider a walking dinosaur instead of a wheeled dinosaur. Also, if you have, for instance, shagged carpeting, it will be better to choose a walking dinosaur.
● Preferred lights and gestures and sound level – generally, the more lights, gestures, and sounds that a remote control dinosaur toy has, the more realistic it can represent the dinosaur.
● Simple or advanced – a remote control dinosaur can be simple, meaning that it only controls mobility, or it can be advanced in which the dinosaur toy can be programmable. Choosing a more advanced remote control is not always mean it will be more fun for the child.
● Color and overall look – the color, size, and overall look of the remote control dinosaur toy is largely influenced by the preferences of the child you are buying it for
With these five groups of features, you will get a better idea of evaluating the right dinosaur toy for your child. As it has a remote controller, you may want to consider rechargeable batteries if they are constantly used to save some money.
When I bought dinosaur toys for my children, the first thing that I looked at was the light, gestures, and sound level. It had to match the color and overall look of the preferred dinosaur. However, everyone will have their own ideas for their own situation.
Best Dinosaur Remote Control – High and Low Priced
Here are the choices I consider to be the best dinosaur remote control in the high price range and the low price range. While researching these choices, I used the five groupings discussed above to evaluate the best overall of a remote control dinosaur toy. Let’s jump into it.
High-End Model Choice
Yarmosh Interactive Dinosaur Robot w/ Remote Control and USB Charger-Touch Sensors-Mood
The Yarmosh remote control dinosaur robot is a great choice because this dinosaur interacts with the child and can control it with a remote controller. It’s an exciting toy that you can give simple instructions to as well as play games with. Visually you can see the mood the dinosaur is in through lights on its head and body. It is very mobile and can move quickly forward and backward, going from a sitting position to a standing position.
● Type of dinosaur – reptile-like dinosaur
● Mobility – this robot dinosaur uses small wheels on the hind legs and front paws in a fairly unique way. The wheels are used to help with some of the gestures, such as sitting down, standing up, and leaning forward. It can move forward sideways and backward presently fast. The tail also moves.
● Lights, gestures, sound level – it has lights on the top of its head and its side. The gestures are coordinated to react when the dinosaur is a pet on the head or when playing a game.
● Simple or Advanced – this is a more advanced type of remote control dinosaur, and it has modes that can be chosen.
● Color and Overall Look – it comes in two colors, white and gray. In general, it looks like a reptile dinosaur, not a T Rex or other well-known predators.
● Special Features – the interaction this robot dinosaur can have with the child is a great feature. It also can sense the mood and coordinates lights such as red, green, and yellow to show that mood. It can play music on command and has three programmed games that the child can interact with.
● Value for Money – High.
Low Priced Model Choice
Magicfun 2 Pack Dinosaur Cars
The remote control magic fun dinosaur car is the perfect gift for your child if you want to have a dinosaur on wheels at a reasonably low price. The toy looks like a dinosaur, and because the package has two cars, your child will have a chance to ask someone to play with them. It’s a great starting toy for young children who are crazy about dinosaurs.
● Type of dinosaur – there are two dinosaur cars in a pack, one of the heads of a T Rex and the other a Triceratops.
● Mobility – these dinosaur cars are really mobile. They are designed to go forwards and backward and turn with the use of a remote controller.
● Lights, gestures, sound level – the magic fun dinosaur cars have lights on the car’s front and side. It doesn’t have any gestures, but it makes roaring sounds.
● Simple or Advanced – this is a simple robot toy. It just drives forward and backward.
● Color and Overall Look – it can come in purple and blue or green and orange. The overall look is good, and it clearly looks like a dinosaur head.
● Special Features – the only special feature is that there are two dinosaur cars in one package. The advantage of this is that your child can play together with you or a friend.
● Value for Money – Average
Best Dinosaur Remote Control Balanced Features for Value Cost
Now let’s go over what I consider the best remote control dinosaur toy. In researching all the remote control dinosaur toys, I looked for a great set of features that also balanced the cost.
However, the emphasis was on the fun you could get with a toy and its resemblance to a dinosaur. I have chosen the best one I could find, and I also include an honorable mention. Finally, I created a comparison table that combines the four choices that I recommend here.
My #1 Choice Best Balanced Mid Priced Choice
Power Your Fun Intellisaur Remote Control Dinosaur Toy Robot for Kids
My choice for the best balanced and midpriced remote control dinosaur is the Intellisaur. This dinosaur robot has lots of features that can be controlled with the remote, and besides that, the toy looks like a T Rex and has sound and light, and gestures that are very cool. If you want a remote control dinosaur that does a lot more than walk backward and forwards, this is it.
Here’s a new way of presenting the information about the Intellisaur, an advanced remote control dinosaur toy. It offers you high value for your money with its cool features. Let’s take a look at its specifications.
Features | Descriptions | Details |
Type of Dinosaur | T-Rex like | The dinosaur has a striking resemblance to a T-Rex in terms of looks and behavior. |
Mobility | Remote control | It can move forwards and backwards, turn quickly to use the tail as a weapon and even dance. |
Lights, Gestures, Sounds | Interactive | Its eyes light up red when it roars. It combines tail movement with showing its teeth when roaring. It also makes stomping sounds when walking, and plays music. |
Advanced or Simple | Advanced | The Intellisaur is not your typical remote control toy, it’s advanced. |
Color and Overall Look | Green and white | It closely resembles a dinosaur in its color and overall look. |
Special Features | Combat mode and shooting | It features a combat mode that simulates an attacking T-Rex and has a shooting capability. |
Value for Money | High | The Intellisaur offers high value for money. |
Runner-Up /worth mentioning
TEMI 8 Channels 2.4G Remote Control Dinosaur
I decided to add one runner to the best remote control dinosaur reviews because the Temi 8 has a fairly authentic look and feel of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. In terms of the features and the value for money, this also ranks high on the list, and it’s a good runner up to my favorite choice above.
● Type of dinosaur – there is no mistaking that this is a T Rex. Artistically, it resembles the dinosaur, including the small T Rex arms and giant teeth.
● Mobility -this remote control dinosaur walks forward and backward, but the key surprising move is that it can spin very quickly. Movement is controlled by the remote control.
● Lights, gestures, sounds – there are lights on the back of this dinosaur. The gestures are simplistic, but they resemble what a T Rex might do in terms of roaring and moving its head, and opening its jaws. It makes different kinds of roaring sounds.
● Simple or Advanced – it is a more advanced remote-controlled dinosaur because it can do spinning stunts, and the remote controls this. However, it’s simple enough for a young child to control it.
● Color and Overall Look -the dinosaur is green in color, and the overall look is pretty authentic in terms of what a T Rex looks like in the movies.
● Special Features – Special features for this dinosaur are the spinning stunts and the quick spin
● Value for Money – High
Table Comparisons
In the table below, I compare all four recommendations in the following way – in the first column is the model. In the second column, I indicate the value for money. In the third column, I indicate the special features.
Final Thoughts
In the big picture, you want the best dinosaur remote-controlled toy to delight your child, which means engaging them with their senses. A toy that moves roars, and makes gestures that bring the dinosaur to life. Tens of robot dinosaur toys use remote control and come in all shapes and sizes and basic and advanced features.
However, getting the best value of features compared to the price can be analyzed a bit, and that’s what I tried to do in this article. In the end, the child will decide whether he or she is having fun or not with the remote-controlled dinosaur toy, but I hope that this article gives you an idea to choose the features that you think your child might like and something that will add to the joy.